Mushroom Industry Events

 The AMGA are dedicated to building the capability, skills and sustainability of the Australian Mushroom Industry, therefore we hosts both large and small events to inform, educate and connect existing Australian Mushroom Growers and Compost Producers. Events are announced throughout the year, and are delivered either online or in-person across the country - at no cost or low cost to AMGA members. 

Please note, these events are designed to support the Australian Mushroom Industry, and are not open to enthusiasts or start-up farms.   

Australia and New Zealand Mushroom Growers Conference 2024

Presented by the AMGA and New Zealand Commercial Growers' Federation

Held every two years, the AMGA conference is the principal meeting point for professionals involved in the mushroom growing industry in Australasia. This year, we are collaborating with the New Zealand Commercial Mushroom Growers' Association, to deliver the conference in Auckland, New Zealand. With a star line up of international topic experts and Australian researchers, two fantastic networking evenings, farm tours and an exhibition, this is a highly anticipated event for both the Australian and New Zealand Mushroom industries.

SAVE THE DATE: More information to be announced soon.


LOCATION: Auckland

DATE: 22-25 Oct 2024


Need more information?

For general information about these events, please contact the AMGA. However for information, registration or payment for specific events, please contact the individual event organiser.